The submission.yaml file tells HEPData about your entire submission, but most importantly, what data files are in your submission, what they contain, any related material, keywords, etc.
Some information, like the name (64 characters or less),
description, keywords, and the data_file are required.
The description is generally close to the caption of the
associated figure/table in the paper, but it should not refer
to missing information such as theoretical predictions (unless
they are also given as numbers in the table).
LaTeX mathematical expressions, delimited by $
symbols, are supported
in many text fields via MathJax. However,
please do not use LaTeX expressions for values of keywords
For example, the table definition below is perfectly valid.
name: "Table 1"
description: Describe the data. The more you say, the easier it'll be to search for it later.
keywords: # used for searching, possibly multiple values for each keyword
- {name: reactions, values: [P P --> Z0 Z0 X]}
- {name: observables, values: [SIG]}
- {name: cmenergies, values: [7000.0]}
- {name: phrases, values: [Inclusive, Integrated Cross Section, Cross Section, Proton-Proton Scattering, Z Production, Z pair Production]}
data_file: data1.yaml
Then, there are some optional things, such as the location (256 characters or less) of the data within the associated paper (e.g. “Figure 8A of paper”, “Table 3 of auxiliary material” etc.), a data_license, or pointing to additional_resources, e.g. code or ROOT files you’ve used to create this data. Sharing this will enable others to do meaningful things with your data long after you’ve finished with it. The YAML table below includes all these optional fields.
name: "Table 1"
description: Describe the data. The more you say, the easier it'll be to search for it later.
keywords: # used for searching, possibly multiple values for each keyword
- {name: reactions, values: [P P --> Z0 Z0 X]}
- {name: observables, values: [SIG]}
- {name: cmenergies, values: [7000]}
- {name: phrases, values: [Inclusive, Integrated Cross Section, Cross Section, Proton-Proton Scattering, Z Production, Z pair Production]}
data_file: data1.yaml
location: Data from Page 17 of preprint # (optional)
data_license: # (optional) you can specify a license for the data
name: "GPL 2"
url: "url for license"
description: "Tell me about it" # (optional)
additional_resources: # (optional)
- location: ""
description: "Full source code for creating this data"
- location: "root_file.root"
description: "Some file"
license: # (optional)
name: 'GPL 2'
url: "url for license"
description: "Tell me about it" # (optional)
It is also possible to add a section at the top of the submission file, containing additional_resources or a comment that relate to the whole submission. For example, adding likelihoods in HistFactory format as a resource file, or providing useful information in a comment that applies to all tables.
# Start a new submission. This section is optional for the provision of information about the overall submission.
additional_resources: # additional references (e.g. experiment TWiki page for analysis)
- {location: "", description: "web page with auxiliary material"}
- location: "Likelihoods.tar.gz"
description: "Archive of full likelihoods in the HistFactory JSON format"
type: "HistFactory" # (optional) currently supports 'HistFactory' type to allow HistFactory JSON (pyhf) files to be highlighted
comment: | # Information that applies to all data tables.
CERN-LHC. Measurements of the cross section for ZZ production using the 4l and 2l2nu decay channels in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with 4.6 fb^-1 of data collected in 2011. The final states used are 4 electrons, 4 muons, 2 electrons and 2 muons, 2 electrons and missing transverse momentum, and 2 muons and missing transverse momentum (MET).
Full Example¶
Here is an example submission.yaml file comprising three data tables preceded by some additional information.
# Start a new submission. This section is optional for the provision of information about the overall submission.
additional_resources: # additional references (e.g. experiment TWiki page for analysis)
- {location: "", description: "web page with auxiliary material"}
- location: "Likelihoods.tar.gz"
description: "Archive of full likelihoods in the HistFactory JSON format"
type: "HistFactory" # (optional) currently supports 'HistFactory' type to allow HistFactory JSON (pyhf) files to be highlighted
comment: | # Information that applies to all data tables.
CERN-LHC. Measurements of the cross section for ZZ production using the 4l and 2l2nu decay channels in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with 4.6 fb^-1 of data collected in 2011. The final states used are 4 electrons, 4 muons, 2 electrons and 2 muons, 2 electrons and missing transverse momentum, and 2 muons and missing transverse momentum (MET).
The cross section values reported in the tables should be multiplied by a factor of 1.0141 to take into account the updated value of the integrated luminosity for the ATLAS 2011 data taking period. The uncertainty on the global normalisation ("Lumi") remains at 1.8%. See Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2518 for more details.
The 4l channel fiducial region is defined as:
- 4e, 4mu or 2e2mu
- Ambiguities in pairing are resolved by choosing the combination that results in the smaller value of the sum |mll - mZ| for the two pairs, where mll is the mass of the dilepton system.
- ptLepton > 7 GeV (at least one with ptLepton > 20 (25) GeV for muons (electrons))
- |etaLepton| < 3.16
- At least one lepton pair is required to have invariant mass between 66 and 116 GeV. If the second pair also satisfies this, the event is ZZ, otherwise if the second pair satisfies mll > 20 GeV it is ZZ*.
- min(DeltaR(l,l)) > 0.2.
The 2l2nu channel fiducial region is defined as:
- 2e+MET or 2mu+MET
- ptLepton > 20 GeV
- |etaLepton| < 2.5
- mll must be between 76 and 106 GeV
- -MET*cos(phi_METZ)>75 GeV, where phi_METZ is the angle between the Z and the MET
- |MET - pTZ| / pTZ < 0.4, where pTZ is the transverse momentum of the dilepton system
- No events with a jet for which ptJet > 25 GeV and |etaJet| < 4.5
- No events with a third lepton for which ptLepton > 10 GeV
- min(DeltaR(l,l)) > 0.3
# Start of table entries.
# This is Table 1.
name: "Table 1"
location: Data from Page 17 of preprint
description: The measured fiducial cross sections. The first systematic uncertainty is the combined systematic uncertainty excluding luminosity, the second is the luminosity
keywords: # used for searching, possibly multiple values for each keyword
- {name: reactions, values: [P P --> Z0 Z0 X]}
- {name: observables, values: [SIG]}
- {name: cmenergies, values: [7000.0]}
- {name: phrases, values: [Inclusive, Integrated Cross Section, Cross Section, Proton-Proton Scattering, Z Production, Z pair Production]}
data_file: data1.yaml
data_license: # (optional) you can specify a license for the data
name: "GPL 2"
url: "url for license"
description: "Tell me about it" # (optional)
additional_resources: # (optional)
- location: ""
description: "Full source code for creating this data"
- location: "root.root"
description: "Some file"
license: # (optional)
name: "GPL 2"
url: "url for license"
description: "Tell me about it" # (optional)
# This is Table 2.
name: "Table 2"
location: Data from Page 20 of preprint
description: The measured total cross sections. The first systematic uncertainty is the combined systematic uncertainty excluding luminosity, the second is the luminosity
keywords: # used for searching, possibly multiple values for each keyword
- {name: reactions, values: [P P --> Z0 Z0 X]}
- {name: observables, values: [SIG]}
- {name: cmenergies, values: [7000.0]}
- {name: phrases, values: [Inclusive, Integrated Cross Section, Cross Section, Proton-Proton Scattering, Z Production, Z pair Production]
data_file: data2.yaml
# This is Table 3.
name: "Table 3"
location: Data from Figure 8A
description: Normalized ZZ fiducial cross section (multiplied by 10^6 for readability) in bins of the leading reconstructed dilepton pT for the 4 lepton channel. The first systematic uncertainty is detector systematics, the second is background systematic uncertainties
keywords: # used for searching, possibly multiple values for each keyword
- {name: reactions, values: [P P --> Z0 Z0 X]}
- {name: observables, values: [DSIG/DPT]}
- {name: cmenergies, values: [7000.0]}
- {name: phrases, values: [Inclusive, Single Differential Cross Section, Transverse Momentum Dependence, Proton-Proton Scattering, Z Production, Z pair Production]
data_file: data3.yaml
- {description: Image file, location: figFigure8A.png}
- {description: Thumbnail image file, location: thumb_figFigure8A.png}